Here's a glimpse at the kind of photography I take with some of my favorite pictures across the years.

Cats in Their Natural Environment
This is a photo of Calvin, an elusive and skittish cat around people who happens to love the camera. It took him over a year to warm up to me when I took care of him while his owner was gone, but he never shied away from the camera. He knew just where to look each time.

Blending In
I took this photo while on vacation. My dad was invested in teaching me how to fish, but I couldn't stop looking around, and this little guy couldn't either. He basked on this rock, not minding the photos I took of him.

In the Dark
This is a porcelain dragon, one of many in my family's collection. By day, he sits dusty on a shelf, and by night, his dusty eyes peer strangely upwards.

In the Light
This was an experiment in moving light. I took a flashlight and moved it around this glass cross to create winding effects in each image with the ghostly edge of the flashlight still visible in the center.

One Drop, One Focus
What always catches me about this photo is the one droplet of water on the top left that just hangs there, suspended in the moment that it took to take this photo.

One Man, One Force
This is one of my more playful photos, reminding me of Harry Potter. The knight in this game rears back, ready to take the king.
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