Take a look through my published works and my upcoming projects!
Central Park, New York City, 2021
Disney World, Orlando, 2021

Published Works
Short Fiction
The Palouse Review, 2022, "Ani-Mall"
Owen Wister Review, 2019, “View from the Driver’s Seat” and “Mercy”
Furrow Magazine, vol. 21, 2020, “Ode to Peanut Butter”
American Library of Poetry, Treasured, 2017, “Cyane”
Inwood Indiana Press, Reaping, 2017, “Do You See?”
Three Line Poems, 2017, “Untitled”
Save the Earth Poems, 2017, “Rather”
Thurston Howl Publications, Wolf Warriors 4, 2017, “Extinguish” and “Patterns of Loudness and Softness”
The Pinyon Review, issue #11, 2016, “Finishing Stroke”
The Palouse Review, 2022, "The Hunter"
Delightful Wyoming Calendar, Indie Treasure, 2022, “Bison Incoming”
Owen Wister Review, 2020, “Upclose”
Dual Coast Magazine, issue #6, 2018, “Beauty with Age”
Upcoming Projects
Fire Escape, novel
With Me All the Time, novel
Furrows, novel
Sketches from the Red House, experimental novella
Side-Kick, YA Fantasy novel
The Testimonialist, Science Fiction series