What does writing mean to me?

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Why do I write? Who do I write for? What inspires me? How do I keep writing?
Why I Write
Writing is more than just a hobby to me. For me, writing is a passion, a job, an effort, a release of energy, an outlet for my imagination, a footpath for my wanderings, and a platform for my voice. I value voice more than anything else when it comes to living my life to my fullest potential. How else can you express your emotions, fears, desires, and feelings without your voice?
My Audience
I write for anyone who is willing to read my work: anyone willing to open their hearts and minds to what I have to say. Whether I am writing about a dream I had, a myth from Greek and Roman times, my struggles and triumphs, or animals, I always write with someone in mind, even if that someone is me, inspiring me to use my voice to my or their advantage and knowledge. Some of my writing or journaling is for myself to express my feelings and attempt to process life as I embark on the grandest, most difficult, and most incredible journey there is: college.
My Inspiration
I am inspired by my life, my family, Greek mythology, and, most prominent of all, animals. I believe that there are so many things that we can keep learning about ourselves through animals.
My Motivation
How do I keep writing when everyday that little voice in my head says, "You're no good! You will never make it! You are no better than ___ ! Find something else!"
I keep writing because writing is in my blood: it is my release and my passion. Have you ever gone to the gym after a long time of not working out or not doing any major physical exercise, and, though it might hurt at first, afterward you just feel this elation and relief? That is what I feel when I write something. Whether it is the best poem I have written so far or something you could barely call English, I feel that relief every time I write. I feel the rush, the "writin' high," as I call it, every time I create something brand new: I bring new thoughts, new descriptions, new word choices, new metaphors, new everything, into this world, and it feels incredible.