An insight into what I've been up to lately, and why you haven't seen any posts

Current Updates
Hello, everyone! It has certainly been a very long time. The truth is, not all of us are full-time writers, though I wish I could be. I am currently working two jobs, while taking two summer classes, so I have been a tad bit busy. I have, however, been trying my best to write when I can. A long term project I am currently working on is what started as an epic poem and, after much reflection and experimentation, is turning into a novel. Another project was fan fiction, a genre, despite being a geek, I had never explored. It was interesting to explore characters who were already mostly developed and write from their point of view without adding in my own creative spin that would be out of character or tone for the show they are from. You have to really get to know the characters and plot in order to "color outside of the lines," in a manner of speaking. Overall, I did not enjoy fan fiction as much as I thought I would, but it was an interesting experience. It is, after all, always good to explore and experiment.
The Future
The summer is drawing to an end for me soon, and I am planning on fresh new blog posts for all of you in this next academic year, so please stay tuned. I am very excited for the classes I am taking this semester (Intro the Mexican American Literature and Intro to Fiction being two of them), and I cannot wait to share insights and skills I learn from those classes with this blog. I am also wrapping up my German language requirement, and, though I wish I could get a minor in it to delve further into the language, I already have three minors, so I will have to leave it at that. I hope to experiment with reading and writing German poetry and fiction. I tried this before with Latin, and it was a fascinating experience.
As always, let me know if you have any questions or ideas.